On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Martijn Pieters <m...@zopatista.com> wrote:
> Last night we used our two-phase pack to start packing the largest
> Oracle RelStorage ZODB we run. Some statistics first:
> * Never packed before in it's 2 year existence.
> * Has more than 4.5 million transactions, 52 million object states.
> * Packing to 60 days ago means we'll loose 4 million transactions, and
> 41.5 million states.
> Packing ran through the night, but I had to abort the pack this
> morning as I am still skittish about holding commit locks for packing
> during normal operations.

I don't know about relstorage, but for FileStorage, commit locks are
only held in the very last stage of packing after the vast majority of
the work is done.  Even then, the commit lock is released periodically
to let new transactions proceed.


Jim Fulton
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