On 03/01/2011 02:47 PM, Maurits van Rees wrote:
> That is pretty weird!  I can understand a few duplicates because images
> are saved in a few sizes, but this is too much.
> To reiterate some versions:
> - Plone 3.3.5
> - ZODB3 3.8.6-polling
> - RelStorage 1.5.0b1
> - Zope2 2.10.12
> - plone.app.blob 1.3
> - plone.app.imaging 1.0.1
> Blobs are stored in postgres with RelStorage.  Layout of the blob cache
> dir is 'zeocache'.

I reproduced your setup and I think I found it: "shared-blob-dir false" 
seems to be incompatible with ZODB 3.8, because the blob code in ZODB 
3.8 constructs blob filenames in an inflexible way.  IOW, 
BlobCacheLayout was never intended to work with ZODB 3.8.  I expect my 
test runner to confirm this within the next couple of hours, then I'll 
make it so "shared-blob-dir false" is not available with ZODB 3.8.

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