Le vendredi 29 avril 2011 13:39:19, Hanno Schlichting a écrit :
> 1. create a base directory
> 2. create a directory called 'Products' in it
> 3. put the setuptools magic into an __init__.py into the Products
> directory so it contains:
> __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
> 4. add any of your plain 'products' into the Products folder
> 5. add the base directory to sys.path

That's exactly what I needed to know !

> I think it makes little sense to introduce a special legacy Zope2
> concept to ZODB3.

Yeah, I was feeling late on this. I had a need for such option 4 years ago, 
but didn't have the knowledge to implement it back then.

> Especially since there's an easy workaround like described above


Vincent Pelletier
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