On 7 July 2011 15:18, Jim Fulton <j...@zope.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Laurence Rowe <l...@lrowe.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 6 July 2011 19:44, Jim Fulton <j...@zope.com> wrote:
> ...
>> Adding the ability to store blobs in S3 would be an excellent feature
>> for AWS based deployments. I'm not convinced that presenting S3 urls
>> to the end users is terribly useful as there is no ability to set a
>> Content-Disposition header and the url will not end with the correct
>> file extension, which will cause problems for users downloading files.
> My lack of S3 foo is showing.
>> I would imagine a more common setup would be to serve the S3 stored
>> blobs through a proxy server running in EC2, using something similar
>> to Nginx's X-Accel-Redirect. Lovely Systems has some information on
>> generating an S3 Authrorization header in Nginx here:
>> http://www.lovelysystems.com/nginx-as-an-amazon-s3-authentication-proxy-2/
>> - though generating an authenticated S3 URL in Python to set in the
>> X-Accel-Redirect header would lead to much simpler proxy
>> configuration.
> I'll have to do some more digging and get back.
>> In either case though, I don't see why doing so would necessitate
>> changing the blob record format - presumably a blob's url can be
>> simply mapped from the S3 blobstorage configuration and a blob's oid
>> and tid?
> You're probably right.  That's a much better approach.

One thing I found with my (rather naive) experiments building
s3storage a few years ago is that you need to ensure requests to S3
are made in parallel to get reasonable performance. This would be a
lesser problem with blobs, but even then you might have multiple file
uploads in the same request. The boto library is really useful, but
doesn't support async requests.

I guess the simplest implementation would only upload a blob to S3 in
tpc_begin as that is where the tid is set (and presumably the tid will
form part of the blob's S3 url.) With large files that might make
tpc_begin take a long time to complete as it waits for the blob data
to be loaded into S3. It might be better to upload large blobs to a
temporary s3 url first and then only make an S3 copy in tpc_begin,
you'd need to do some benchmarks to see if this was worthwhile for all
files or only files over a certain size.

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