Le 27/03/2012 18:50, J Z a écrit :
Sorry about the terrible format. Please allow me to try it again.

I have a Plone 4.1 site using RelStorage to store the zodb in MySQL 5.5
server. The site has 700 objects cataloged and the database is less than
300MB  after packing. I won't consider it's a large site. When I tried to
"update catalog" or "clear&  rebuild" the catalog, I got the following error:
OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

The mysql was installed with most default settings. The wait_timeout is
28800 according to phpMyAdmin. Can someone give some idea what
could be wrong and where I should start looking? Thanks!

DuckDuckGo-ing OperationalError 'MySQL server has gone away'
gives me https://rapd.wordpress.com/2008/03/02/sqlalchemy-sqlerror-operationalerror-2006-mysql-server-has-gone-away/ is the pool_recycle parameter set at the right value in your case ?/(I will suggest less than the /wait_timeout)

how much time is spent between launch of request and OperationalError ?

Hope it helps,

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