On 30 June 2014 12:43, Jim Fulton <j...@zope.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Alessandro Pisa
> <alessandro.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everybody :)
> As the comment suggests, if you continued packing, the new file
> would be as large as the old one, because no records would be
> removed.  This is likely either because a) you've already packed to
> that pack time before.
> b) None of the objects written up to the pack time
> have been written after the pack time and this there are no old records
> to be removed.

Strange, I am making a 0 day pack.
How can I convince zeopack of that?
Is it possible to remove this "previous pack memory" and act as it
would be the first pack?
Would this be effective?
Any suggestion for reducing the Data.fs size?

Thanks for the explanation.
Esalando Prassi
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