This question is both for the ZFS forum and the Zones forum.

I have a global zone with a pool (mapool). 
I have 2 zones, z1 and z2,.
I want to pass a dataset (mapool/fs1) from z1 to z2.

Solution 1 : 
mapool/fs1 is mounted under /thing on the global zone (legacy) and I configure 
a lofs on z1 and z2.
add zonecfg:z1> add fs
zonecfg:z1:fs> set dir=/thing
zonecfg:z1:fs> set special=/fs1
zonecfg:z1:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:z1:fs> end
- Advantage : the fs is "seen" on both zones.
- Disadvantage : both zones can use it and I only want the "visibility" of the 
fs on one zone at a time.

Solution 2 :
zonecfg:z1> add dataset
zonecfg:z1:dataset> set name=mapool/fs2
zonecfg:z2:dataset> end
zonecfg:z2> commit
zonecfg:phil> exit
Disadvantage : I can't get rid of it when z1 is booted.

Is there a smarter solution ?

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