When I get a chance, I'll reproduce many connections/s (instead of bytes/s) across zones, compared to intra-zone, using Apache's 'ab' tool, and report what I get. -- Jeff

Gino Ruopolo wrote:
I would not read too much into those values, but I
think that it is safe to conclude that there is little difference in network performance among those situations. The two situations you have described
are (4) and (5).

In my setup I have about 1000 connection/s, not a single connection.

Is it possible that establishing a new connection between 2 processes in 2 
different zones costs about 18% more than the same processes in the same zones?

If we can rule out network performance, we must look
elsewhere. Would you send the zonecfg info for the two zones you have been

Full zone, single ip, nothing else.  Sure I can send you the config tomorrow if 
you like but you'll not find anything interesting :(

Also, how many zones are running on this system?

Only the zones I'm writing about.

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