Jeff Savit wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> You might not have enough RAM for 1,000. (Only 2MB/zone! Not counting 
> RAM needed for the kernel) For discussion, see Jeff Victor's blog 
> especially the 3 entries titled "Spawning 
> 0.5kZ/hr". He reasched 1,000 zones, but he had more RAM.  There are a 
> few kernel tunables he mentions that you'll need to adjust.  I suggest 
> bring up an initial zone, turning off services you won't use in your 
> test (eg: svcadm disable webconsole; svcadm disable sendmail) to reduce 
> the memory footprint and number of processses.
> Each will have a JRE, even within a sparse root - No extra effort for 
> that.  Each zone will have its own IP address too. I'll let somebody who 
> knows the other networking parts answer them
> regards, Jeff S
> Dennis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> a friend of mine has written a P2P application in Java as a master thesis. 
>> Now we want to setup a testing configuration using containers to simulate 
>> the function of each node. Therefore I have several question, any help is 
>> appreciated
>> - We are planning to test 1000 nodes (=containers) on a 2 GB RAM Athlon Dual 
>> Core 4.2 GHz machine. Is that possible?

I'll make a stronger statement than JeffS: a Solaris container requires at 
least 20MB of RAM to boot and start up even the most basic services.  Running 
all of them *simultaneously* is unlikely to work: the system would be paging 
to disk all of the time.

But if you only plan to run 10-20 containers at one time, things should work 
well until you run java vm's in each of them.  I would be very interested in 
hearing the results of such a test, as I have never done that.  The re-use of 
java text pages will increase the maximum usable number.

>> - Each container should be a sparse zone that contains no application but a 
>> JRE. How do I create one of these?
>> - Each node has its own IP adress
>> - To simulate it as realistic as possible, we want to give each node a 
>> certain bandwith with crossbow. Is that possible with the lo interface or 
>> only with an external nic?
>> - What is the recommended way to examine the traffic on a vnic if possible, 
>> or on each container?
>> - Is there a way to check if a certain file is read or written in a 
>> container directory from the global zone?

Each container has its own root directory.  Each of those root directories is 
loopback-mounted from a directory in the global zone.  Because of that, he 
root user in the global zone can traverse a non-global zone's directory tree.

There is one exception: the global zone's root user cannot access an NFS share 
that a non-global zone has mounted into its directory tree.

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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