> During the zone installation and after the zone is installed, the zone's ZBE1
> dataset is explicitly mounted by the global zone onto the zone root (note, the
> dataset is a ZFS legacy mount so zones infrastructure itself must manage the
> mounting.  It uses the dataset properties to determine which dataset to
> mount, as described below.): e.g.
>      # mount -f zfs rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE1 /export/zones/z1/root
> The rpool dataset (and by default, its child datasets) will be implicitly
> delegated to the zone.  That is, the zonecfg for the zone does not need to
> explicitly mention this as a delegated dataset.  The zones code must be
> enhanced to delegate this automatically:

Is there any requirement to have a flag go disallow a zone from doing zfs/BE
operations?  I'm not sure when an admin may want to make this restrction.

>      rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool
> Once the zone is booted, running a sw management operation within the zone
> does the equivalent of the following sequence of commands:
> 1) Create the snapshot and clone
>      # zfs snapshot rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      # zfs clone rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/[EMAIL PROTECTED] \
>        rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE2
> 2) Mount the clone and install sw into ZBE2
>      # mount -f zfs rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE2 /a
> 3) Install sw
> 4) Finish
>      # unmount /a
> Within the zone, the admin then makes the new BE active by the equivalent of
> the following sequence of commands:
>      # zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:active=off 
> rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE1
>      # zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:active=on 
> rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE2
> Note that these commands will not need to be explicitly performed by the
> zone admin.  Instead, a utility such as beadm does this work (see issue #2).

Inside a zone, beadm should "fix" this.

>From the global zone, beadm should be able to "fix" a (halted?) zone in this
state so that it may be booted.

I think this means that the global zone should be able to do some explict
beadm operations on a zone (perhaps only when it is halted?), in addition
to the automatic ones that happen when the GBE is manipulated.

> When the zone boots, the zones infrastructure code in the global zone will 
> look
> for the zone's dataset that has the "org.opensolaris.libbe:active" property 
> set
> to "on" and explicitly mount it on the zone root, as with the following
> commands to mount the new BE based on the sw management task just performed
> within the zone:
> # umount /export/zones/z1/root
> # mount -f zfs rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE2 /export/zones/z1/root
> Note that the global zone is still running GBE1 but the non-global zone is
> now using its own ZBE2.
> If there is more than one dataset with a matching
> "org.opensolaris.libbe:parentbe" property and the
> "org.opensolaris.libbe:active" property set to "on", the zone won't boot.
> Likewise, if none of the datasets have this property set.
> When global zone sw management takes place, the following will happen.
> Only the active zone BE will be cloned.  This is the equivalent of the
> following commands:
>      # zfs snapshot -r rpool/export/zones/z1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>      # zfs clone rpool/export/zones/z1/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> rpool/export/zones/z1/ZBE3
> (Note that this is using the zone's ZBE2 dataset created in the previous
> example to create a zone ZBE3 dataset, even though the global zone is
> going from GBE1 to GBE2.)
> When global zone BE is activated and the system reboots, the zone root must
> be explicitly mounted by the zones code:
>      # mount -f zfs rpool/export/zones/z1/rpool/ZBE3 /export/zones/z1/root
> Note that the global zone and non-global zone BE names move along 
> independently
> as sw management operations are performed in the global and non-global
> zone and the different BEs are activated, again by the global and non-global
> zone.
> One concern with this design is that the zone has access to its datasets that
> correspond to a global zone BE which is not active.  The zone admin could
> delete the zone's inactive BE datasets which are associated with a non-active
> global zone BE, causing the zone to be unusable if the global zone boots back
> to an earlier global BE.
> One solution is for the global zone to turn off the "zoned" property on
> the datasets that correspond to a non-active global zone BE.  However, there
> seems to be a bug in ZFS, since these datasets can still be mounted within
> the zone.  This is being looked at by the ZFS team.  If necessary, we can work
> around this by using a combination of a mountpoint along with turning off
> the "canmount" property, although a ZFS fix is the preferred solution.
> Another concern is that the zone must be able to promote one of its datasets
> that is associated with a non-active global zone BE.  This can occur if the
> global zone boots back to one of its earlier BEs.  This would then cause an
> earlier non-global zone BE to become the active BE for that zone.  If the zone
> then wants to destroy one of its inactive zone BEs it needs to be able to
> promote any children of that dataset.  We must make sure that any restrictions
> we use with the ZFS "zoned" attribute doesn't prevent this.  This may require
> an enhancement in ZFS itself.

I think it would be generally useful if zfs had a "destroy and promote as
necessary" operation.  Otherwise, this will just be re-implemented by various
higher level software in annoyingly different ways.


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