On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 01:17:29PM -0700, Ben Rockwood wrote:
> Jason King wrote:
> > I haven't found any documentation (yet, still looking), that says
> > anything either way, but I'm wondering to facilitate zone migration if
> > you can place a zone root on an NFS filesystem?  Obviously would only
> > be mounted on 1 server at any given time, but outside of that, just
> > wondering if it should work, or if I should look at SAN/iscsi luns if
> > I want to be able to move it around.
> It should work.... but its not recommended because NFS caching sucks
> ass.  The synchronous nature of NFS means that its gonna be much slower
> than it should be.  iSCSI/SAN may have performance issues over local
> disk as well, but at least you still have a local filesystem cache.

Hosting zone roots on NFS used to be explicitly not supported, and still
might be for all I know, but I know of one customer that does just that
nonetheless, though in a roundabout way, but using lofi on an
NFS-mounted file to provide the backing for UFS/ZFS zone roots.

Note though that, as with hosting zone roots over iSCSI, the semantics
of that are very different from those of using NFS directly.  For
example, there's no ID mapping issues with zone roots on SAN, but there
can be with zone roots on NAS, nor are there file locking semantics
issues with zone roots on SAN.  I strongly recommend zone roots on SAN
(iSCSI, specifically), not NAS.

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