Steffen Weiberle wrote:
> On 10/20/08 10:58, Joe Barbey wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got a situation that doesn't seem to be really covered in the 
>> various docs I've read up to now.  I have a number of servers where I 
>> want to do something like the following, if possible.  Any help would 
>> be greatly appreciated.
>> I would like to host a number of zones on a server, let's say an 
>> m4000, but I want those zones to be on a different subnet than the 
>> global.  So far, no problem: use exclusive-IP.  However, currently I 
>> don't have enough NICs to give one each to all zones.  One thought I 
>> had was a sort of mix of shared-IP and exclusive-IP.  Give a couple 
>> of different zones the same NIC in exclusive-IP mode.  I haven't 
>> tried it, but I'm fairly certain this won't work, as each zone will 
>> try to control the NIC itself.
> This is with Solaris 10 8/07, to take advantage of IP Instanced 
> delivered in that update.
> Steffen
I'm responding to Steffen, but it really applies to you all.  Thanks!  
Using VLANs worked perfectly.  We ended up buying some quad gig NICs, 
but still had one or two zones that were without connection.  As they 
were QA or expected to be low bandwidth servers, I used VLANs an had 
them share a connection with the global. A quick re-config on the switch 
port, and all was well.

Thanks again for the suggestions!


Joe Barbey               IS Network Support Senior
office: (715) 425-4357   Davee Library room 166C
cell:   (715) 821-0008   UW - River Falls

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