Arun Gupta writes:
> Thanks James!
> > With an "exclusive" stack instance, the non-global zone is able to
> > control most of the IP configuration aspects of the interface,
> > including using DHCP to configure the address.  (It's unable to supply
> > its own kernel modules, though, because there's still only one kernel
> > image on the system.)
> This is helpful.
> >> Will creating zones in a Virtual Box image qualify as that ?
> > 
> > No.
> Ok, so that rules out "exclusive stack instance" in my case then.

No ... it just means that the two things are orthogonal.

Whether you use Virtual Box or not says nothing about whether your
zones are exclusive stack instance or not.

> It probably does not matter since I just want to create couple of zones 
> and install GlassFish in both the zones to demonstrate clustering 
> capabilities of GF. Do you think it matters ?

It matters if you want the software inside the non-global zone to have
control over the IP configuration of its network interfaces.  If you
do want this, then you need exclusive stack instances.  If you don't,
and you're ok with configuring the IP parts of networking for those
non-global zones using zonecfg, then a shared stack instance may work.

The two are different operational models, and which you choose depends
on what you need.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive        71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
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