On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Timothy Kennedy
<timothy.kenn...@sun.com> wrote:
> Nicolas Dorfsman wrote:
>> It would be a great idea to have a easy solution to give these privileges
>> to a zone.
> in zonecfg for a given zone,
> set limitpriv=default,proc_lock_memory,proc_priocntl,sys_time
> David Comay has an interesting blog post on this that can be found
> here: http://blogs.sun.com/comay/entry/privilege_set_me_free
> that explains the reasons for permissions additional to sys_time.

Here's another one: http://blogs.sun.com/JeffV/entry/shrink_wrap_security1 .

You'd think I would have updated the FAQ by now...  :-(

I just updated it, but changed it to "NTP client".  I don't know NTP
well enough to know if a zone can be an NTP *server*. If anyone knows
Sun's position on this, I will add it to the FAQ.

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