Hi Rob,

Le 29 juin 09 à 18:01, Rob Mallory a écrit :

Hi Niko,
this thread had 150 hits in the last three weeks, the topic is in the FAQ since 2005, and the question comes about every 9 months or so. So it seems it would be a desired feature!

Well, it's something that any old-styled Solaris sysadmin (like me) can't live without.

I expect it would be most utilized in shops who have thousands of automount map entries, and hundreds or thousands of boxes they would like to put in branded-zones.

        Why hundreds ?

People would otherwise ask "why not just run (solaris: automountd) or linux: autofs4?" well, autofs4 crashes, autofs5 does not seem to work with the brandz fake-kernel, and well, it's just plain silly to run 100 seperate autofs daemons under containers, when lofs and some "idmapd like thing" would satisfy the problem.

[...on with the advocacy hat...]
Resource-controls on a brand-z container, minimal OS overhead, and 64 bit support someday. I think those are the keys needed win a bakeoff with an outcome of "linux containers under Solaris is 200% more efficient than any other virtualization when consolidating 100 vm's to one physical machine." To demonstrate this, imagine a Linux (or Solaris) image with a 5000 entry automount map, and 100 VM's kicking the automount daemon every 15 minutes to scan for new mounts, running 100 Kernels and name service daemons under vmware or xen.... Think of the I/O and CPU overhead for an otherwise idle system.

I would pay for Subscriptions & Support for Opensolaris 2009.6 if it had it today.

Hey ?
Thanks a lot Rob for this message ! I was feeling alone before that.

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