On 07/27/09 23:40, Jack LING wrote:
dear all,

I've installed mysql and glassfish packages in my OpenSolaris 2009.06 
installation in VirtualBox. Then I created a non-global zone (I think it is 
sparse-root, by default).

Within the non-global zone, mysql & glassfish are unavailable. Actually I 
wanted to confine them to hv them run in non-global zone not global zone.

1. would the non-global zone hv access to mysql & glassfish install if I've had 
created the non-global zone 1st THEN downloaded/installed the packages from Package 

2. Or by creating a whole root zone would have solved the problem?

3. Networking issue: leaving my non-global zone as it is, I tried to use pkg to get 
and install the mysql & glassfish packages. But it came out error stating it 
could not find the package server. Obviously, it is networking problem within the 
non-global zone whereby it can't locate and connect to the Internet WHILE the 
global zone has no such network problems. Does the non-global zone follows the dns 
configurations of the global zone upon creation or I've to manually configure it 
and how?

thanks in advance,

OpenSolaris IPS and zones don't have a concept of sparse and whole root. You have a 'separate' set of IPS packages, and you will have to install the applications into the zone, similar to how you did it for the global zone.

You have to separately configuring networking in the non-global zone.
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