On 03/02/2010 22:10, Gael wrote:

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Gael <gael.marti...@gmail.com
<mailto:gael.marti...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I ran a few test upgrades moving zones from a T5220 u6 system to a
    u8 system patched with 119254-72 and I keep observing the following
    packages missing into the end result zone..
    I'm really concerned by the pkg/patch tools packages missing ...  I
    have tried to also patch the source system before detaching the zone
    without success ...

when you say patching failed, what exactly occurred when you tried patching the global zone?

In whoel root zone, the packaging bits are not pulled into update on attach, but they shoudl never be missing obviously.

Do we have an explorer what does pkginfo -p say when run in global zone of affected system

 Here is a diff of the packages missing in the
    zone but present in the GZ.
    SUNWgccruntime <
    SUNWinstall-patch-utils-root <
    SUNWntp4r <
    SUNWntp4u <
    SUNWpkgcmdsr <
    SUNWpkgcmdsu <
    SUNWppror <
    SUNWpprou <
    SUNWproduct-registry-root <
    SUNWs8brandr <
    SUNWs8brandu <
    SUNWstosreg <
    SUNWswmt <
    SUNWwsr2 <
    Is that a known issue ?
    Gael Martinez

I reloaded the landing-zone machine with a vanilla U8 image (basic
installation, all packages, no patches), and reused the same ufsdump
file containing the zone. zoneadm update -u with that version did
install the pkg related packages...
labs9006.uhc.com:/zones #zoneadm -z apsz0224 attach -u
zoneadm: zone 'apsz0224': WARNING: pools facility not active; zone will
not be bound to pool 'fss_default_pool'.
zoneadm: zone 'apsz0224': WARNING: pools facility not active; zone will
not be bound to pool 'fss_default_pool'.
Getting the list of files to remove
Removing 2520 files
Remove 15 of 15 packages
Installing 25271 files
Add 454 of 454 packages
Installation of these packages generated warnings: SUNWcsr SUNWgssc
SUNWinstall-patch-utils-root SUNWkrbr SUNWmconr SUNWntpr SUNWpcr
SUNWppror SUNWpsr SUNWsacom SUNWwbcor SUNWxwplr VRTSodm
Updating editable files
The file </var/sadm/system/logs/update_log> within the zone contains a
log of the zone update.
labs9006.uhc.com:/zones #zlogin apsz0224 pkginfo | grep SUNWpkgcmd
system      SUNWpkgcmdsr                    SVr4 package commands (root)
system      SUNWpkgcmdsu                    SVr4 packaging commands (usr)
labs9006.uhc.com:/zones #
The same issue was confirmed when testing S10 U4 to U8 upgrades...
Will continue toying around tomorrow and will open a case if I don't
hear anything from this list.
Gael Martinez

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