msgctl says this"

    EPERM        The cmd argument is IPC_RMID  or  IPC_SET,  the
                  {PRIV_SYS_IPC_OWNER}  privilege is not asserted
                  in the effective set of  the  calling  process,
                  and  is not equal to the value of msg_perm.cuid
                  or msg_perm.uid in the data  structure  associ-
                  ated with msqid.

                  The cmd argument  is  IPC_SET,  an  attempt  is
                  being   made   to  increase  to  the  value  of
                  msg_qbytes,   and   the   {PRIV_SYS_IPC_CONFIG}
                  privilege  is not asserted in the effective set
                  of the calling process.

So clearly you're trying to either change the number of
msg_qbytes or you are changing the properties of a msg queue
without being the owner.  The SYS_IPC_CONFIG privileges is not
available in the zone (by default).

Perhaps we want to use a new privilege which is save to give to a
zone (modify message queues you don't own).

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