On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 10:54:24PM -0700, Sunay Tripathi wrote:
> Guys,
> I think we had discussed allowing a ipkg brand zone to be installed
> without a network i.e. going to a repo if I already have a installed
> system running. Can someone tell the correct options? I am trying
> the -d option but that fails ...
> # zoneadm -z test install -d /
> pkg list: no packages matching 'entire' installed
> you must specify -u (sys-unconfig) or -p (preserve identity).
> brand-specific usage:
>         install {-a archive|-d path} {-p|-u} [-s|-v]

I surmise that your test system no longer has the 'entire' package, probably
because you have used onu on it. The procedure for creating the zone
depends on locating the 'entire' package, so it is failing because it can't
locate it. (onu removes the entire package.)

You could re-install 'entire'...

This kind of problem makes me wonder if (in the future) we need an
enhancement which allows a user to specify exactly which packages/
incorporations should be installed into a zone, rather than just assuming it
will be entire. Something like

zoneadm -z test install -d / -t MyOwnIncorporation,MyOtherIncorporation

(-t for 'target packge', I can't suggest -p because it is already used.)

It would, of course, be the user's responsibilty to make sure that this
list of packages resulted in a bootable zone (although we could also
process the list to guarantee it was a useful/bootable zone.).

> Can't find the ipkg manpage also. BTW, it would be good to allow
> a equivalent of native zone to be created without much fuss :) and
> perhaps the default should be along those lines (instead of
> needing a repo).

man ipkg(5)

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