may do
1)clone on the same server
2)move clone to 2nd server

On 9/20/2011 6:32 AM, Sandeep Thakkar wrote:
Thanks. But how do I clone it on another server?
*From:* ""Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao 老曹) Ph.D."" <>
*To:* Sandeep Thakkar <>
*Cc:* "" <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 20, 2011 3:47 PM
*Subject:* Re: [zones-discuss] Taking backup and restore the zone dump

clone zone is different options than move (detach and attach)

On 9/20/2011 5:21 AM, Sandeep Thakkar wrote:
So, basically I want to copy the zone and not move the zone. And the zone has UFS and not ZFS filesystem.

Can I follow the steps mentioned in the pdf? Can I attach the zone after detaching to take the backup?

Please help here.

*From:* Sandeep Thakkar <> <> *To:* Sandeep Thakkar <> <>; ""Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao 老曹) Ph.D."" <> <> *Cc:* "" <> <> <>
*Sent:* Monday, September 19, 2011 4:54 PM
*Subject:* Re: [zones-discuss] Taking backup and restore the zone dump

The source and destination servers are same:

Solaris 10 11/06 s10s_u3wos_10 SPARC

*From:* Sandeep Thakkar <> <> *To:* ""Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao 老曹) Ph.D."" <> <> *Cc:* "" <> <> <>
*Sent:* Monday, September 19, 2011 10:56 AM
*Subject:* Re: [zones-discuss] Taking backup and restore the zone dump

Thank you guys. But, I do not want to move the zone. I want to copy it to other machine and give a different IP to this new zone. So, basically I want two zones up and running. Since I have configured lot of third party libraries on zone1, I do not want to create the second zone and do all those configurations again. Hence, want cop make a copy of that zone. I hope you got my requirement. Moreover, I do not use ZFS.

*From:* ""Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao 老曹) Ph.D."" <> <>
*To:* Sandeep Thakkar <> <>
*Cc:* "" <> <> <>
*Sent:* Sunday, September 18, 2011 12:19 AM
*Subject:* Re: [zones-discuss] Taking backup and restore the zone dump


On 9/17/2011 9:48 AM, LaoTsao wrote:
not sure which s10u? for old and new system
in general one need do
see this link

Sent from my iPad
Hung-Sheng Tsao ( LaoTsao) Ph.D

On Sep 16, 2011, at 6:45, Sandeep Thakkar <> <> wrote:

I'm using Solaris 10 sparc machine and created a whole root zone. Now, I want to copy this zone to some other Sparc server and restore there. Hence, I followed these steps:

1. Take Backup of zone:
Login to Sparc server1.
# zlogin -s myzone halt
# ufsdump 0f /export/home/backup_zones/myzone.ufsdump /export/home/zones/myzone

2. Restore the dump:
Login to Sparc server2.
# /export/home
#  ufsrestore rf myzone.ufsdump
./lost+found: (inode 3) not found on volume
./edb: (inode 5824) not found on volume
./sandeep: (inode 105759) not found on volume
./zones/dev-vm1-zone: (inode 128139) not found on volume
./zones/qmg-vm2-zone: (inode 81773) not found on volume
./zones/qmg-vm1-zone: (inode 128128) not found on volume
./zones/qmg-vm3-zone: (inode 175624) not found on volume
./zones/qmg-vm4-zone: (inode 758372) not found on volume
./zones/support-vm4-zone: (inode 163584) not found on volume
./backup_zones: (inode 1958936) not found on volume

resync restore, skipped 54 blocks
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/doc: not found on volume
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/info: not found on volume
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/man: not found on volume
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/src: not found on volume
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/bin/sparcv9/addbuiltin: not found on volume
Read error while restoring ./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/include/bfd.h
continue? [yn] continue? [yn] y
Read error while trying to resynchronize
continue? [yn] y
resync restore, skipped 168 blocks
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/include/bfdlink.h: not found on volume
./zones/myzone/root/usr/sfw/include/dis-asm.h: not found on volume
Read error while trying to resynchronize
continue? [yn] y
Read error while trying to resynchronize
continue? [yn] n

Why these errors? Have I done anything wrong? Pleas help or redirect me to the related post.


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