Ok will do. Will create patch for weak watchers and corral existing
discussion into ephem in ephem.

This will happen some time this week

Thanks for all the feedback.

On 23 March 2010 16:29, Patrick Hunt <ph...@apache.org> wrote:

> Excellent idea Jeff. Dominic feel free to open 2 JIRAs, one for ephem in
> ephem and a second for the weak watchers. Summarize your goals and the
> discussion so far as appropriate. BTW, either of these JIRAs would be good
> for a new contributor interested in gaining experience with ZooKeeper. ephem
> is a bit tougher, but not so extensive that it's insurmountable (of course
> our current dev base will help out).
> Regards,
> Patrick
> Jeff Hammerbacher wrote:
>> Hey Ben,
>> Perhaps you should open a JIRA for further discussion?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
>> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Benjamin Reed <br...@yahoo-inc.com>
>> wrote:
>>  let me put out an idea that we have kicked around for a while: ephemeral
>>> containers. the idea is that the znode disappears if it doesn't have
>>> children. you would create the znode with create("/path", data, acl,
>>> EPHEMERAL_CONTAINER) this would result in the creation two znodes: /path
>>> and
>>> /path/child. (we have to create it with a child otherwise it immediately
>>> disappears.)
>>> i think this mechanism would address your need in a way that is easy to
>>> implement and use. it would also allow you to do a cool barrier
>>> implementation!
>>> ben
>>> On 03/22/2010 10:37 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
>>>  Dominic Williams wrote:
>>>>  What I'd suggest might work:
>>>>> - when the session that created the parent ends, ownership of the
>>>>> parent
>>>>> could either be transferred to the owner/session that created the
>>>>> oldest
>>>>> child, or instead ownership could be transferred to some kind of
>>>>> nominal
>>>>> system session (which would delete the parent once the last ephemeral
>>>>> child
>>>>> disappeared)
>>>>>  There may be some issues with idempotency here, also it could require
>>>> extensive locking which drives up operation latencies (essentially
>>>> "recursive delete"). It sounds possible, but someone would have to take
>>>> a closer look as to the technical challenges involved.
>>>> Our general philosophy is to keep things as simple as possible wrt api,
>>>> semantics, implementation, etc... Distributed communication is hard and
>>>> while we handle a lot of the issues for you it's still complex.
>>>> Following our philosophy generally makes the easy things simple and the
>>>> hard things possible, additionally it reduces the number of bugs that we
>>>> have in the implementation itself (both user and service code).
>>>> I don't wish to discourage you as much as provide insight/background
>>>> into some of our decisions.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Patrick
>>>>  On 22 March 2010 16:44, Patrick Hunt<ph...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>>>  Dominic Williams wrote:
>>>>>>  1/ If a node crashes or something else goes wrong, you leave behind
>>>>>>> persistent nodes. Over time these will grow and grow, rather like the
>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>> tmp folders used to fill with files under Windows
>>>>>>>  That's true. One either needs to use ephemerals or use persistent
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> a "garbage collector" (implicit or explicit gc). In most cases it's
>>>>>> preferable to use the ephemeral.
>>>>>>  2/ Persistent nodes = nasty scalability *bottleneck* because you're
>>>>>>  actually
>>>>>>> having to write to disk somewhere.
>>>>>>>  This is not actually how ZK works. All znodes regardless of
>>>>>> persistent/ephemeral are written to disk persistently. Ephemeral nodes
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> tied to the session that created them. As long as the session is alive
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> ephemeral node is alive. Sessions themselves are persistently/reliably
>>>>>> stored by the ZK cluster. This allows the shutdown of the entire
>>>>>> cluster
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> restart it, all sessions/ephemerals will be maintained. Sessions can
>>>>>> move
>>>>>> from server to server (if say network connectivity to server A fails,
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> server A itself fails then the client will move to server B). The
>>>>>> session
>>>>>> and all ephemerals are maintained (well, as long as the client moves
>>>>>> withing
>>>>>> the expiration timeout value).
>>>>>>  To avoid this I'm actually thinking of writing locking system where
>>>>>> you
>>>>>>  work
>>>>>>> out the existing chain not by enumerating sequential children, but by
>>>>>>> looking at the contents of each temporary lock node to see what it is
>>>>>>> waiting on. But... that's quite horrible. Was wondering whether there
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> some technical reason why you ephemeral nodes can't have children??
>>>>>>>  There are a few cases to think about.
>>>>>> 1) obviously ephemeral nodes can't have persistent children, this just
>>>>>> doesn't make sense
>>>>>> 2) ephemeral nodes have an owner - the session that created them. so
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> would also not make sense (in my mind at least) to have an ephemeral
>>>>>> /foo
>>>>>> with another ephemeral /foo/bar with a different owner.
>>>>>> 3) so you are left with "ephemerals can be a child of an ephemeral
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same owner".
>>>>>> 4) there are also issues of order. in particular what is the "deletion
>>>>>> order" depth first or breadth first, etc...
>>>>>> I believe the answer so far has been "we don't do this because it's
>>>>>> fairly
>>>>>> complicated and we haven't seen any use cases that require it." In the
>>>>>> cases
>>>>>> I've seen so far there was either a misunderstanding of how zk worked,
>>>>>> or a
>>>>>> simpler way available.
>>>>>> Does that make sense? Thoughts?
>>>>>> Patrick

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