Hi -

Just wanted to announce to the community that we are lucky to have three
talented students working on Google's Summer of Code projects directly
related to ZooKeeper.

Andrei Savu  will be working with Patrick Hunt on a Web-based Administrative
Interface, extending and improving Patrick's Django-based front end.
Abmar Barros will be working with Flavio Junqueira on improving ZooKeeper's
failure detector module - making the code cleaner and easier to try out new
implementations, as well as implementing a few failure detection algorithms
Finally, Sergey Doroshenko will be working with me on a Read-Only Mode for
ZooKeeper, which will help bolster ZK's availability in certain
circumstances when a network partition is detected, as well as potentially
optimising the read-path.

(The full list of 450 GSoC students is here:

Congratulations to all three - we look forward to seeing what you produce
over the summer. Thanks to everyone who applied, suggested projects and
offered to mentor students; this program will have a big effect on
ZooKeeper's visibility and community, as well as hopefully producing some
great code!


Henry Robinson
Software Engineer

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