Sergey -

Sounds like a bug. Can you open a new JIRA and attach your log files to it?


On 6 May 2010 07:50, Sergey Doroshenko <> wrote:

> In short: it seems leader can treat observers as quorum members.
> Steps to repro:
> 1. I have a following ensemble configuration:
> # servers list
> server.1=localhost:2881:3881
> server.2=localhost:2882:3882
> server.3=localhost:2883:3883:observer
> server.4=localhost:2884:3884
> server.5=localhost:2885:3885:observer
> 2. I'm bringing up servers 1,2,3 and it's enough for quorum (1 and 2).
> 3. I'm shutting down the one from the quorum who is the follower.
> As I understand, expected result is that leader will start a new election
> round so that to regain quorum.
> But the real situation is that it just says goodbye to that follower, and
> is
> still operable. (When I'm shutting down 3rd one -- observer -- leader
> starts
> trying to regain a quorum).
> Is this a bug, or a feature?
> --
> Regards, Sergey

Henry Robinson
Software Engineer

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