Mahadev Konar:
> Hi Thomas,
>   Could you verify this by just testing the trunk without your patch? You
> might very well be right that those tests are a little flaky.
> As for the hudson builds, Nigel is working on getting the patch builds for
> zookeeper running. As soon as that gets fixed this flaky tests would show
> up more often.
> Thanks
> mahadev
> On 10/20/10 11:48 PM, "Thomas Koch" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > last night I let my hudson server do 42 (sic) builds of ZooKeeper trunk.
> > One of this builds failed:
> > 
> > junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Leader hasn't joined: 5
> > 
> >         at org.apache.zookeeper.test.FLETest.testLE(
> > 
> > I did this many builds of trunk, because in my quest to redo the client
> > netty integration step by step I made one step which resulted in 2
> > failed builds out of 8. The two failures were both:
Hi Mahadev,

as I've written, I did 42 builds of trunk over the night from which 2 failed 
and 8 builds of my patch during work time with 2 failures. I also did another 
round of builds of my patch during last night and got only 1 failure out of 
~40 succesful builds.

So I believe that the high failure rate of 2/8 from the initial round of patch 
builds is because I did this builds over the day while other developers also 
used other virtual machines on the same host.

Have a nice weekend,

Thomas Koch,

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