Anyone out there?

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Hiram Chirino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Congrats on the release.  Now that has been completed, I'd like to see
> if you guys are willing to revisit the issue of a maven based build.
> If yes, I'd be happy to assist making that happen.
> Regards,
> Hiram
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Patrick Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Our first official Apache release has shipped and I'm already looking
>> forward to 3.1.0. ;-)
>> In particular I believe we should look at the following for 3.1.0:
>> 1) there are a number of issues that we're targeted to 3.1.0 during the
>> 3.0.0 cycle. We need to review and address these.
>> 2) system test. During 3.0.0 we made significant improvements to our test
>> environment. However we still lack a large(r) scale system test environment.
>> It would be great if we could simulate large scale use over 10s or 100s of
>> machines (ensemble + clients). We need some sort of framework for this, and
>> of course tests.
>> 3) operations documentation. In general docs were greatly improved in 3.x
>> over 2.x. One area we are still lacking is operations docs for
>> design/management of a ZK cluster.
>> see
>> 4) JMX. Documentation needs to be written & the code reviewed/improved.
>> Moving to Java6 should (afaik) allow us to take advantage of improved JMX
>> spec not available in 5. We should also consider making JMX the default
>> rather than optional (ie you get JMX by default when ZK server is started).
>> We need to ensure that ops can monitor/admin ZK using JMX.
>> 5) (begin) multi-tenancy support. A number of users have expressed interest
>> in being able to deploy ZK as a service in a cloud. Multi-tenancy support
>> would be a huge benefit (quota, qos, namespace partitioning of nodes,
>> billing, etc...)
>> Of course ZooKeeper is open to submissions in that aren't on this list. If
>> you have any suggestions please feel free to enter a JIRA or submit a patch.
>> Additionally I'd like to see us move to an 8 week release cycle. I've
>> updated the JIRA version list to reflect this. Due to the holiday season
>> approaching I've listed 3.1.0 with a ship date of Jan 19th. (see the roadmap
>> on the JIRA).
>> If you have any questions/comments please reply to this email.
>> Patrick
> --
> Regards,
> Hiram
> Blog:
> Open Source SOA



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