Speaking of the contrib section, what is the status of ZOOKEEPER-103?
Is it ready to be reevaluated now that 3.0 is out?


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Mahadev Konar <maha...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
>  It would be great to have such high level interfaces. It could be
> something that you could contribute :) . We havent had the bandwidth to
> provide such interfaces for zookeeper. It would be great to have all such
> recipes as a part of contrib package of zookeeper.
> mahadev
> On 1/9/09 11:44 AM, "Kevin Burton" <bur...@spinn3r.com> wrote:
>> OK.... so it sounds from the group that there are still reasons to provide
>> rope in ZK to enable algorithms like leader election.
>> Couldn't ZK ship higher level interfaces for leader election, mutexes,
>> semapores, queues, barriers, etc instead of pushing this on developers?
>> Then the remaining APIs, configuration, event notification, and discovery,
>> can be used on a simpler, rope free API.
>> The rope is what's killing me now :)
>> Kevin

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