Thank you very much for the quick answer, Patrick.

Kind regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Hunt [] 
> Sent: Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009 18:28
> To:
> Subject: Re: Read-your-writes consistency?
> Yes, this is a strong guarantee:
> ammers.html#ch_zkGuarantees
> Sync is only necessary if client A makes a change, then 
> client B wishes to read that change with guarantee that it 
> will see the successfully applied change previously made by A 
> (this is typically only an issue if A & B communicate through 
> some non-zk channel, such as direct socket connection btw A & B).
> Patrick
> Marc Frei wrote:
> > Dear ZooKeeper users,
> > 
> > a short question about ZooKeeper's consistency model:
> > 
> > Does ZooKeeper support "read-your-writes consistency"? E.g., after 
> > having created a node, will the same client always find the newly 
> > created node via getChildren? If yes, is this specified 
> behavior the 
> > client can rely on? Or is it better to always call sync in order to 
> > enforce consistency?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance and kind regards,
> > 
> > Marc

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