well try running these two tests individually and see if they always fail or just occassionally. that will be a good start (and the env detail).


Todd Greenwood wrote:
No edits to conf/log4j.properties.

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Hunt [mailto:ph...@apache.org] Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:25 PM
To: Patrick Hunt
Cc: zookeeper-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: test failures in branch-3.2

btw QuorumPeerMainTest uses the CONSOLE appender which is setup in conf/log4j.properties, now that I think of it perhaps not such a good idea :-)

If you edited cong/log4j.properties it may be causing the test to fail, did you do this? (if you run the test by itself using -Dtestcase does it

always fail?)

I've entered a jira to address this:


Patrick Hunt wrote:
Todd Greenwood wrote:
The build succeeds, but not the all of the tests. In previous test
I noticed an error in org.apache.zookeeper.test.FLETest. It was not
to bind to a port or something. Now, after a machine reboot, I'm
different failures.
"address in use"? That's a problem in the test framework pre-3.3. In
(current svn trunk) I fixed it but it's not in 3.2.x. This is a
with the test framework though and not a real problem, it shows up occasionally (depends on timing).

branch-3.2 $ ant test

[junit] Test org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMainTest
FAILED (crashed)
[junit] Test org.apache.zookeeper.test.HierarchicalQuorumTest FAILED

Test logs for these two tests attached.
This is unusual though - looking at the log it seems that the JVM
crashed for the QPMainTest! for HQT we are seeing:

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Threads didn't join

which Flavio mentioned to me once is possible to happen but not a real

problem (he can elaborate).

What version of java are you using? OS, other environment that might
interesting? (vm? etc...) You might try looking at the jvm crash dump file (I think it's in /tmp)

If you run each of these two tests individually do they run? example:
ant -Dtestcase=FLENewEpochTest test-core-java

My goal here is to get to a known state (all tests succeeding or have
workarounds for the failures). Following that, I plan to apply the
patches Flavio recommended for a WAN deploy (479 and 481). After I
verify that the tests continue to run, I'll package this up and
it to our WAN for testing.
Sounds like a good plan.

So, are these known issues? Do the tests normally run en masse, or do
some of the tests hold on to resources and prevent other tests from
Typically they do run to completion, but occasionally on my machine (java 1.6, linux32bit, 1.6g single core cpu, 1gigmem) I'll get some random failure due to address in use, or the same "didn't join" that
saw. Usually I see this if I'm multitasking (vs just letting the tests

run w/o using the box). As I said this is addressed in 3.3 (address reuse at the very least, and I haven't see the other issues).


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