In the FAQ, there is a question
4. Is there an easy way to expire a session for testing?

And the last part of the answer reads:
       In the case of testing we want to cause a problem, so to explicitly
        expire a session an application connects to ZooKeeper, saves the
        session id and password, creates another ZooKeeper handle with that
        id and password, and then closes the new handle. Since both handles
        reference the same session, the close on second handle will
invalidate the session causing a SESSION_EXPIRED on the first handle.

(I assume when it says ³creates another ZooKeeper handle² I¹m assuming it
means do that by calling init_zookeeper. Is that correct?

Here¹s my skeleton code, which doesn¹t work. ...

clientid_t   myid;
clientid_t   another_id;
zhandle_t    zh_1;
zhandle_t    zh_2;
zh_1 = zookeeper_init ( servers, watcher, 10000, &myid, 0, 0);
if ( !zh_1 ) { 
// Catch sigusr1 and set the havoc flag
if ( cry_havoc_and_let_loose_the_dogs_of_war ) {
        memcpy ( &another_id, &myid, sizeof (clientid_t));
        zh_2 = zookeeper_init ( servers, destroy_watcher, 10000,
&another_id, 0, 0);
            if ( ! zh_2 ) {
                .... errror ...
            if ( !nzh ) {
                ... error ...
            zookeeper_close ( zh_2);    // Shouldn't I get a session expire
shortly after this?

But I don¹t get a session expire.  Can someone tell me what I¹m doing wrong?



Leonard Cuff

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