Hi Gustavo -

I can't speak as to the other JIRAs, but ZK-107 (dynamic membership) is
still being worked on by me. This is a very large change to the ZK codebase,
so I can't see it getting in really before 4.0, although the committers may
view things differently.

If you have a pressing need for the feature, the mailing list archives
contain suggestions of how to change your cluster on the fly by doing a
rolling restart of your nodes with a new configuration.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Gustavo Niemeyer <gust...@niemeyer.net>wrote:

> Dear ZooKeepers,
> I'm quite interested in the features related to inter-server
> authentication, encryption, and dynamic membership.  I *think* the
> right JIRAs are 107 and 236.  Are these features likely to see some
> activity in the upcoming releases, according to existing roadmaps?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Gustavo Niemeyer
> http://niemeyer.net

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