Feel free to submit for inclusion in ZK's src/contrib.

Good Luck,


Maarten Koopmans wrote:
Good to know. I'll check on Cygwin 1.7 and switch to Linux otherwise. I want to do a quick REBOL binding (so I need to figure out the C calls that are "minimal", and preferably have no callback function pointers). If I can get ZooKeeper talking via C (or via TCP, but the protocol doesn't seem to be specified) from REBOL, I have some very cool things coming. But maybe we should talk off-list aboutt that (will be open sourced though).


Patrick Hunt schreef:
Well I can tell you that the C API is the more heavily used API of the two (c/java) inside Yahoo, it's also the basis of the python and perl bindings. The issue here is that no one seems to have tried it on windows in quite some time. I believe Cygwin 1.7 (currently in beta) does have getaddrinfo support btw (I have not tried that).

MinGW sounds like a good goal, if you'd like to create a jira and provide some patches we'd be happy to work with you to achieve.



Maarten Koopmans wrote:

I'll stick to the Java API - the C API feels to much of a second class citizen. Besides, I think we might wnat to try with the beta of Cygwin first before filing it in Jira.

Ultimately the goal (IMHO) should be MinGW support(?)


Patrick Hunt schreef:
Maarten, I just tried this with cygwin and it fails for me too. It seems that cygwin does not support getaddrinfo! Please create a JIRA and I'll see what we can do.


Maarten Koopmans wrote:

Has anybody managed to get the c client / dll compiled on Win32, and if so, how? I did a quick pass with MunGW and Cygwin, and they failed horribly.

I'd like to load the DLL to bind it to a scripting language on windows as well.



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