 Can you try this?


The -server command was added later as far as I remember.


On 12/9/09 9:05 AM, "Something Something" <mailinglist...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to start ZooKeeper on an EC2 instance.  Here's what I did:
> 1)  Downloaded & Unpacked ZooKeeper 3.1.1 on EC2 instance.
> 2)  cp /conf/zoo_sample.cfg /conf/zoo.cfg
> 3)  Changed the dataDir path to point to my EBS volume.
> 4)  In one command window, ran /bin/zkServer.sh start
> (The last message I see is... "Snapshotting: 0)
> 5)  Opened another command window, and ran jps
> (This shows a new process called, QuorumPeerMain.  That's the only one I
> see.)
> 6)  As per documentation, tried
> bin/zkCli.sh -server
> (This gives me IOException: USAGE)
> 7) So I ran:
> bin/zkCli.sh -server ls
> Got UnknownHostException: -server
> 8)  So I tried various ways of specifying IP address in EC2, such as:
> 10.xx.xx.xx
> ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
> domU-12-31-xx-xx-xx-xx.compute-1.internal
> domU-12-31-xx-xx-xx-xx
> None of them worked.  Keep getting UnknownHostException.
> What am I doing wrong.  Please help.  Thanks.

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