Martin Waite wrote:
The watch mechanism is a new feature for me.  This gives me a delayed
notification that something changed in the lock directory, and so is the
earliest time that it makes sense to retry my lock acquistion.  However,
given the time-delay in getting the notification, the freed lock might have
be acquired by someone else before I get there.   In which case, I might as
well just keep trying to acquire locks at random until my time budget is
exhausted and not bother with the watch ?

I don't see the benefit of what Mahadev/Ted are suggesting vs Martin's original proposal. Perhaps I'm missing something, please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you want two "lists"; a list of resources and a list of locks. Resources might be added or removed dynamically over time (assuming they are not known a priori), locks are short lived and exclusive. To me this suggests:

/resources/resource_###  (ephem? owned by the resource itself)
/locks/resource_###   (ephem)

where the available resources are managed by adding/removing from /resources. Anyone interested in locking an explicit resource attempts to create an ephemeral node in /locks with the same ### as they resource they want access to. If interested in just getting "any" resource then you would getchildren(/resources) and getchildren(/locks) and attempt to lock anything not in the intersection (avail). This could be done efficiently since resources won't change much, just cache the results of getchildren and set a watch at the same time. To lock a resource randomize "avail" and attempt to lock each in turn. If all avail fail to acq the lock, then have some random holdoff time, then re-getchildren(locks) and start over.

Distributed computing is inherently "delayed" right? ;-) The benefit of the watch is typically that it minimizes load on the service - notification vs polling.

Are watches triggered as soon as the primary controller applies a change to
an object - or are they delivered whenever the client's local zk instance
replicates the change at some later time ?

They are not synchonous in the sense you mean. You are guaranteed that all clients see all changes in the same order, but not synchronously/instantaneously.

This stackoverflow page has some good detail, see Ben's comment here:

Is there a feature to introduce deliberate lag between the primary and its
replicas in the ensemble - for development purposes ?  That could be useful
for exposing latency assumptions.

No feature but it does sound interesting. Are there any tools that allow one to setup "slow pipes" ala stunnel but here for latency not encryp? I believe freebsd has this feature at the os (firewall?) level, I don't know if linux does.


On 24 February 2010 06:05, Ted Dunning <> wrote:

You have to be careful there of race conditions.  ZK's slightly surprising
API makes it pretty easy to get this right, however.

The correct way to do what you suggest is to read the list of children in
the locks directory and put a watch on the directory at the same time.  If
the number of locks equals the number of resources, you wait.  If it is
less, you can randomly pick one of the apparently unlocked resources at
random.  If you fail, start again by checking the number of resources.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Martin Waite <
I guess another optimisation might be to count the number of locks held
first:  if the count equals the number of resources, try again later.
suppose that might require a sync call first to ensure that zk instance
client is connected to is up to date.

Ted Dunning, CTO

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