3 april 2007 – Infrae is pleased to announce that Silva’s issue tracking
is now in Launchpad. This move is part of an effort to enhance
collaboration with other components in the software stack. Besides being
the home of the GNU/Linux distribution Ubuntu, Launchpad also hosts
Zope3 issues, Grok issues, SchoolTool, and has been the development hub
of the dLCMS (dynamic Learning Content Management System, developed at
ETH Zurich) for the last year.

Many Silva users have used Launchpad to translate Silva’s interface
languages. Translations are linked with 2,700 other projects on
Launchpad, and the website offers suggestions of possible wordings from
those projects. This inter-connecting of open source communities is a
prime example of the potential of the Launchpad service.

Yesterday the Launchpad team announced the release of their 1.0 beta,
sporting a redesigned interface and features to link data from a variety
of project-specific sources. In the press release was a quote from Infrae:
”Launchpad connects us to our most important communities, and brings
synergy to issue tracking for Silva, where problems in one component of
the stack affect another up or downstream. Key components of our stack
were already there: Infrae’s developers run Ubuntu, we develop with
Zope3, and the dLCMS product (which is built on top of Silva) has been
using Launchpad for over a year. Locating the Silva issues on Launchpad
was like finding ideal office space, hooked into the grid, loaded with
amenities, and ripe for networking.“

Using Launchpad

Now and in the future, all Silva issues will be tracked at:

Users will need to create an account on Launchpad, and adjust to the new
environment. A good overview is at:

There is also a Silva Project that groups the Silva CMS and its related

The Silva translations are at:

Soon to be in place is a redirecting facility, where bugs from the old
tracker will be automatically redirected to the corresponding Launchpad
issue. Given an old issue number NNNN, you’ll get to the new page on
Launchpad at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/silva-NNNN

Other projects

Note that the Launchpad development team will import bugs from existing
bug trackers for projects that want to move to Launchpad.

What is Silva?

Silva is an enterprise-class CMS designed for large organizations that
manage multiple or complex websites. Content is stored in clean and
future-proof XML, independent of layout and presentation. Features
include a multi-version workflow system, XSLT rendering support, content
reuse in multiple publications, sophisticated access management,
extensive import/export facilities, fine-grained templating, and hi-res
image storage and manipulation. Silva and its extensions are open source

For more complete information, see the Silva Product Pages at


The package can be downloaded from http://www.infrae.com/download/Silva.

FMI contact Eric Casteleijn, eric at infrae com, +31 10 243 7051.

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