This release is the most user-friendly, powerful and highly anticipated
release of Plone ever, and has an amazing amount of new functionality.
Some highlights:

- Full versioning support, history and reverting to older revisions

- Improved performance

- Inline (Ajax) editing

- Link and reference integrity checking

- Automatic locking and unlocking

- Improved handling of permissions and sharing

- Upgraded visual (WYSIWYG) content editor

- Full-text indexing of Word and PDF documents

- Wiki support and multiple new mark-up formats

- Rules engine for content

- Strengthened security

For the full overview, see the Plone 3.0 feature list:

Get Plone
Download Plone 3.0 for all platforms here:

Upgrading from a previous version of Plone? Detailed instructions can be
found in the Upgrade Manual:

Help us spread the word!
Login/register and vote for the Plone 3.0 release story:

Web site updates
Both the "Documentation section":/documentation and the "Add-on products
section":/products have been updated in time for the Plone 3.0 release —
it's now easier to find the documentation you need, as well as finding
products that support the new 3.0 release.

Another great thing about Plone 3.0 is that there is an up-to-date book
written by Martin Aspeli especially for this release. You can pre-order
the book now:

Plone Rock Stars
Hundreds of individuals have contributed to making Plone 3.0 the best
release ever, and we'd like to thank them all for their hard work, passion
and dedication in pushing out the best content management system on the

The Plone Community would like to express our sincere thanks to the
following people and companies for their support and dedication:

Google, Inc. -- For hosting our downloads and for graciously sponsoring
the time of Plone co-founder Alexander Limi — and of course for the
wonderful Summer of Code project that introduces new developers to Plone.

The Zope community -- For producing the software Plone is built on top of.
Jim Fulton for starting the whole thing — and for continuing to push the
envelope with Zope 3, Philipp von Weitershausen for guidance and an
excellent (and now updated) book, Andreas Jung for being the Zope release
manager. And everyone else that has contributed to Zope over the past

The CMF community -- For being exceptionally helpful and talented, Plone
would not be Plone without the CMF. Special thanks to Jens Vagelpohl for
being the release manager for CMF, GenericSetup and PAS, Yvo Schubbe for
the impressive amount of work and cleanup, and of course the founder of
CMF, Tres Seaver for overall excellence and help with all things CMF.

The Plone Documentation Team -- For the amazing re-vamp of the Plone
documentation section in time for the 3.0 release:

The Plone Framework Team -- For striking the perfect balance between new
features and stability.

The installer and package creators -- Sidnei da Silva and Enfold Systems
for the Windows installer, Kamal Gill for the Mac OS X installer, Steve
McMahon for the Unified *ix installer, Markus Tesmer for the SUSE package.

Martin Aspeli -- For being the main driving force behind many of the new
components in 3.0, including 'plone.portlets' and 'plone.contentrules', as
well as writing a book to coincide with the 3.0 release, "available for
pre-order at Packt Publishing:

Wichert Akkerman -- For being the best release manager any project could
wish for. Thanks for your thorough review of all code, for keeping us all
in line, and for the flexibility when things out-of-the-ordinary had to be
done. He also wrote the "OpenID support" included in the Plone 3.0 release.

Hanno Schlichting -- For cleaning up and sanitizing every nook and cranny
of Plone, as well as being the Internationalization Champion.

Alexander Limi -- For taking time off his busy schedule at Google to raise
the user experience of Plone to new levels with the 3.0 release, and for
managing the community and developers.

Cornelis Kolbach -- For coming up with the NuPlone theme design, and for
many great design discussions.

Danny Bloemendaal -- For organizing the UI sprint in the Netherlands — a
crucial part of the 3.0 release process, and for contributing his great UI
ideas to Plone.

Balazs Ree and Godefroid Chapelle -- For their work on KSS, Plone's Ajax

Andi Zeidler -- For his great work on the link integrity functionality,
the views and viewlets customization components (with Weitershausen and
Mitchell), as well as the experimental support for BLOBs in Plone 3

Tom Lazar -- For integrating support for additional markup formats like
Textile and Markdown.

David "Whit" Morris -- For integrating Wicked's "wiki without the
aftertaste" support in Plone.

Duncan Booth -- For great work on improving Kupu, Plone's visual editor
for Plone 3.0.

Daniel Nouri -- For shepherding the Archetypes 1.5 release, as well as
making Plone much much faster.

Ricardo Newbery -- For taking over the maintenance of CacheFu, Plone's
caching proxy integration product. This is a crucial part of Plone's

Melissa Wong -- For handling Public Relations for us open source geeks,
and making us talk to the press.

Veda Williams -- For great work on the visual redesign of the Products and
Documentation sections on

Florian Schulze -- For ResourceRegistries and lots of Javascript work.

Ramon Navarro Bosch -- For organizing the Barcelona sprint.

David Siedband -- For organizing the Plone presence at LinuxWorld San
Francisco this year.

Jola Hyjek -- For redesigning the Plone logo.

Everyone at the conferences, sprints and workshops this year -- Especially
the people new to the Plone community. It's been great meeting you all!

Alexander Limi ·
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