Are you a student and are you interested to hack on Zope, the ZODB or
Grok for the summer? Do you want to be helped by an expert mentor? And
get money and a t-shirt? The Zope Foundation is participating in the
Google Summer of Code for the second time this year, and the time for
you to apply is now! The applications just opened yesterday, but
deadline for student applications is monday, march 31, so there isn't
a lot of time. We're really excited to be part of this program again,
and we hope we get many good student applications.

What to do to apply?

* Sign up to our gsoc mailing list:

* See our wiki page for project ideas:

  Your own ideas are very welcome too! If you have an other project
idea and you aren't sure there is interest, do discuss it on our gsoc
mailing list. Introducing yourself there is smart
  anyway, as the mentors are listening!

* Then follow this guide to get signed up with Google and make an application:

Martijn Faassen - Zope Foundation gsoc mentor coordinator
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