Grok 1.1 released!

Grok 1.1 is a feature release of Grok preparing for the Zope Toolkit.

The major user visible change is Python 2.6 support. Grok 1.1 supports
Grok 2.6 and 2.5. Python 2.4 support is deprecated. Note that to
install Grok on Windows, please use Python 2.6, not Python 2.5.

The other user visible change is a new version of the Grok UI. This
now uses a more extensible UI framework, and cuts down on
dependencies. You will also note that the Grok introspector has been
removed - we did this to cut down on dependencies for Grok, but we are
looking into ways to bring it back in the future.

Other user visible changes are relatively minor: see Grok's `change log`_ for

.. _`change log`:

The main changes in Grok 1.1 are under the hood, however:

* Grok builds on a prerelease version of the `Zope Toolkit`_.

* New more reusable spin-off libraries Grok uses:,
  grokcore.annotation and grokcore.content.

.. _`Zope Toolkit`:

Grok 1.1 itself has not yet had a reduced set of dependencies compared
to Grok 1.0, but is a step on the way to Grok 1.2, which will reduce
dependencies significantly.

Updating Grok-based projects

Grok-based applications should be upgraded by using a new
``versions.cfg`` file in your project and re-running buildout. You can
also find the new versions.cfg file here:

To prepare for Grok 1.2, look at any imports your application does
from ``*`` packages and see whether they can be replaced by
imports from a ``zope.*`` package instead. This should be possible for
most, but not all code. To learn how to improve your imports, see the
``*`` package's changelog (on PyPI for instance), or explore
the code of the package to see where it is importing from for
backwards compatibility.

See also the `upgrade notes`_.

.. _`upgrade notes`:
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  Zope-Announce for Announcements only - no discussions

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