Christian Heimes wrote:
yuppie wrote:

I'm not sure I understand what you propose:

- Just changing queryMethodID signature and calls?

- Or also adding the TemplateMixin stuff to CMFCore?

- Or also adding an UI for that to CMFDefault?

I'm proposing at least the first point in your list, changing the signature and calls. I'm going to implement the template mixin in a different way for Plone but I would be happy to contribute the feature to CMF.


The con against the marker interface is easy to explain: We need the feature in Plone 2.1 but we won't depend on ZopeX3 and Five. :)

I'm fine with the additional queryMethodID argument in CMF if Plone 2.1 ships with CMF 1.5 and this change makes the migration easier.

But AFAICS it doesn't make much sense for the CMF to duplicate a feature that Zope 2.8/Five provides already.

Just my 2 cents. Yuppie

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