Am 23.04.2008 um 15:10 schrieb yuppie:

ah, so clicking on add brings up the tried and trusty page for adding objects to folders?


Only then do we get to the appropriate add_view?

No. As I said: That part is still missing. 'folder_factories' provides the old add procedure, the new alternative for 'File' content is available as action in the menu.

I'll check it out later then.

Would it be a good idea to move this to a menu item like object_actions? Got the code for this.

Maybe. Does your code use the type infos or additional actions (attached to the type infos or stored in the actions tool) to get the data? Do your actions provide a way to specify the object id (as possible in folder_factories) or how do you choose the ids?

Currently have a very basic vocabulary listing possible types. Have been abusing invokeFactory to create my objects and autogenerate content ids. For some reason couldn't get the redirect from the TypeInfo so had to enforce the redirect manually. Would probably want to extend this to redirect to an add form for the relevant object and this is probably where I'll need the most help.

Charlie Clark
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