With the old style products you could create afterInstall and beforeUnistall
scripts that were called on the product when proper.  Is there a way to do
this with the new style zope eggs.  Maybe somewhere in zcml?


On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Balazs Ree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Nathan,
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:51:34 -0500, Nathan Van Gheem wrote:
> > Although, from what I've found, this is not the problem.  By stepping
> > through the code, I found in this context, the local utility no longer
> > exists.  So at some point in the install reinstall process it is
> > unregistered.
> >
> > Looking deeper, I found that in the reinstall of a product the method
> > _cascadeRemove() is called from
> > Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool.InstalledProduct that unregisters all
> > utilities.
> >
> > I don't know how to go about fixing this problem since the
> > infrastructure is not set up to handle this.  Realistically, if there is
> > an uninstall of a component needed, I would think it could be handled in
> > the Products.GenericSetup.components class.
> >
> > Any ideas to help me get around this problem would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> Not a solution, but the simplest workaround we found is setting up these
> utilities independently from genericsetup (and quickinstaller). This way
> you need to manually run an extra script to set up these utilities, and
> as a result quickinstaller will not have a chance to destroy and recreate
> the utility on reinstall. (Since it only borks stuff that it has set up
> itself.)
> Another gross hack that I've heard of (although I did not actually try it
> myself) is tinker with the __cmp__ method of the utility, which may
> convince quickinstaller to leave the utility intact. Maybe someone else
> will give more details about this.
> As far as for a real solution: I think the magic of quickinstaller is
> plain wrong. It should not ever delete your utilities on reinstall,
> because they form part of the content that is silently and entirely gone
> this way. (Think about object relations that are stored in local
> utilities, to understand the weight of this disaster.) I go even one step
> further: it also should not delete the utilities in case of an uninstall
> either, instead it should let you decide to delete them manually. There
> is something about upgrades (migrating data from an old version of
> utility to a new version) that makes this case a bit more complicated,
> however this is a more advanced use case and does not justify the data
> loss that happens on every reinstall, with the current implementation.
> Berst wishes,
> --
> Balazs Ree
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