
Charlie Clark wrote:
> Am 02.03.2009 um 19:27 schrieb yuppie:
>>>> This is on my todo list, but I still have to write a proposal.
>>> Hmm, I don't recall the issue here.
>> There wasn't much discussion about this.
>> Some time ago Dieter asked for grouping support:
>> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-cmf/2008-September/027776.html
> I'm still struggling with the abolition of TypeInfo actions so I'd  
> appreciate more discussion or simply explanation of this.

The actions stored inside TypeInfos are not deprecated. We still have no 
replacement for them.

CMF trunk makes the TypeInfos themselves also actions. I don't plan to 
change that. I just like to change how they are looked up. I'll write a 
proposal for that.



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