Am 30.09.2011, 10:55 Uhr, schrieb yuppie <>:

> AFAICS only the getUpdateBase method of ISyndicationTool needs to be
> backwards compatible. Everything else is new API or doesn't return
> DateTime objects. Wouldn't it be better to use datetime internally? You
> already need an upgrade step for SyndicationInformation. Writing an
> additional upgrade step for SyndicationTool wouldn't be much extra work.

ISyndicationInfo is a new interface. I'm tempted to use zope.schema  
directly on this but I suppose that does tie any implementation to  
zope.schema rather maybe annotated Python tyes. Thoughts?

Regarding zope.annotation - IAttributeAnnotatable creates a new object  
within the folder but I'd rather not have the SyndicationInfo visible  
within the ZMI but IAnnotations only uses a dictionary and so less  
suitable for storing multiple values. If I go the AttributeAnnotatable way  
is it okay to use Persistent rather than SimpleItem as long as  
manage_fixupOwnershiAafterAdd is provided? Or is that too kludgy and  
preferable to work on my current adapter to provide attribute access to an  
Annotations dictionary?

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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