On 17 Jul 2005, at 22:48, Stephan Richter wrote:

On Sunday 17 July 2005 14:30, Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Ah, and while we are at it, some nice frontend, like

would be nice. At least for browsing the repository.

I like ViewCVS. It is very usable.

The SVN support in ViewCVS is, pardon my french, crap. And it is extremely hard to get it working as well, it requires some horrific SWIG SVN Python binding. Tried to get it set up several times and always failed.

A decent tool I have found recently is called WebSVN. It's in PHP, but seems to do a very nice job including colorized diffs, svn blame, tarball creation, etc. Basically all the things that ViewCVS does well for CVS, but doesn't do at all for SVN. It even does RSS feeds for changes (dunno what that's good for ;)

See my not yet complete repository migration at http:// svn.dataflake.org for an example. The one thing it does not deal well with is resources that have been moved about with "svn move" - it must do something braindead there because it will complain that it cannot find the resource at the previous location. "svn diff" at the new location works as expected.


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