I thought that I would back up my data.fs by copyting the entire Linux
/var directory to a Windows machine with spare disk space and then
creating a ZIP file on the Windows machine.

There was a problem on the Linux machine, so I figured there'd be no
problem by simply copying the data.fs (via a Samba share) back from
Windows -> Linux.

It seems that when Zope starts back up, it keeps attempting to deal with
the "alien" database and then shuts down.

The Same Database File Works Perfectly With A Windows Plone/Zope
I installed a Windows version of Plone (with Zope of course) and that
same data.fs file works just fine in the Windows environment.

1) Am I without hope of ever running the database under Linux again?
2) What is the reason that the database goes from Linux -> Windows OK
but not in the other direction?
   Is there a technique I can use to tweak the database file or recover
it so that it is Linux-friendly?

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