On 2006-01-16 at 13:59:49 [+0100], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> HEllo my name is Gustavo I am from chile(southamerica), my english is not
> so good, sorry for that, well my cuestion is the next, i need do a web
> single sign-on whit my plone (ZOPE) web sites, i have a apache2.0 server
> too, i need help whit these item because my job depend of taht, any answer
> send me to my mail adress [EMAIL PROTECTED], thank you very much, and i
> hope for your help, bye bye...


whether your English is good or not, your question is too vague. It is 
possible to integrate Zope's authentication system with others for a single 
sign-on but you need to provide more information about the system you wish 
to integrate with. If you search zope.org for UserFolder then you will see 
some of the solutions available.

Charlie Clark

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