Hmmm..If the database was modeled properly in the first place if 
wouldn't be referenced in many different places therefore it would not 
require changes in tons of SQL methods.

SQL code isn't complicated, it does exactly what it says on the tin! 
(most of the time :)). ORM encourages lazy programming = problems later 
down the line.

On 25/08/10 11:09, Andreas Jung wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Richard Harley wrote:
>> Please can someone explain why ORM is better than speaking directly to
>> the database? Isn't this just  adding another layer of complexity which
>> in huge databases is certainly not needed.
> Modifying the database schema (adding a new field) requires usually
> changes in tons of SQL methods..updating your ORM schema definition
> usually takes only one or a few lines of code.
> Or why the hell do you want to write complicated SQL code (I
> remember legacy code of a co-worker to tons of complex JOINs)
> yourself while you could implement the same functionality in much
> nicer way using Python?
> If you ask me: writing SQL is for masochists.
> - -aj
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> =JGcb

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