>From http://www.zope.org/Members/AlexR/KeywordIndexes:
> Text Index: property values are applied against a lexicon object that 
> stems, stops, and parses the value into a full text index. The index 
> may be queried with a simple boolean query language that allows 
> 'and', 'or', phrasing, parenthesized boolean expressions, and 
> proximity matching. Relevance ranking is supported and returns the
> sum of the occurances of all query terms in the "hit". A normalized 
> score is also provided that is normalized from 0 to 100 over the 
> whole result set.

This sounds really useful...

Is it still true?
How do you use the query language and return the relevance rating from a
ZCatalog query?
Is it documented anywhere?

also, which of FieldIndex, KeywordIndex and TextIndex is case sensitive
on matching? I thought they all were but I'm not sure anymore...



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