Lalo Martins wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 03, 2000 at 12:38:20AM -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > >
> > >I tried. It's quite easy, except that you have to store the
> > >user's password in a property, and access control is somewhat
> > >broken WRT passwords, so anyone can read anyone's passwords if
> > >they can write DTML.
> >
> > Did you try naming the password attribute with an "_" at the beginning of
> > it?  This should make it inaccessible from DTML, but it's a bit more work
> > since you have to write Python to do it.
> Actually, if I'm willing to go to Python (which I am, just
> waiting for 2.2 so I don't have to do it twice) there are
> simpler ways to do it, and you (IIRC) have already showed me
> some :-) The point is that by his question I thought Bill
> wanted a ZODB/ZClass-only solution - and I'd prefer it too if
> it was possible at all.

I am more than willing to go to python too, and don't mind doing it 2x.
I just wanted to know what had to be done, etc. to get to using the LM
with the basic US, that way I can 
 a) start using LM
 b) get to developing an SQL-US faster. :-)

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