This brings up an interesting point... WinCVS can *now* check out these
Zope objects, but the toXML implementation makes them less useful
than they possibly could be.

For example:

shows a 'diff' between two versions (1.10 and 1.11)  of a DTML Document.
It's nice since a small change in the document produced a 'small' change
in the xml representation. However:

shows a similar diff between 1.8 and 1.11, but now the diff is almost
useless since the xml tags have all changed, confusing CVS. I snooped
through the implementation, but I must confess, it was less than
totally obvious if the 'ids' and such for the xml data were being
used as convenient, clearly unique, but essentially random values,
or if it was really important that they have exactly the values
they did. Would it be possible to generate XML that was repeatable?

(i.e, zope objects with exactly the same class and properties would
always produce the same XML output?) Any Zope GURUs out there?



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