The (heavily modified) Survey product from Piers Lauder is in heavy use

In 2.1.x and in 2.20b1, the links in a folder view point to

In 2.1.x, this does the right thing - if you have appropriate
permissions on the survey object, you get a management screen. Without
'View management screens' permission, you see a rendered survey form to
fill in. Fine.

In 2.20b1, this is now broken. No matter what permissions you have, the
[objectname]/manage_workspace link turns into a link to [objectname] and
you see the survey.

I've futzed with  __ac_permissions__ =  and added that little tip about
Globals.default__class_init__(Survey) without any joy.

Is this a bug, a deliberate change in behaviour or is it just me?


Dr Ross Lazarus
Associate Professor and Sub-Dean for Information Technology
Faculty of Medicine, Room 126A, A27, University of Sydney,
Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia
Tel: (+61 2) 93514429   Mobile: +61414872482  
Fax: (+61 2) 93516646   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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